Promote ATP Members and build an income from anywhere!

Affiliate Marketing in a Nutshell
Imagine ATP Members was a high street business. Now picture yourself standing outside our store and welcoming passers-by and encouraging them to enter the store. That's all you have to do. You might even encourage them to do so by offering them a free coffee and piece of cake if they pop inside. We would then take care of everything else leaving you to get more people inside the store.
Should any of those people that you send in decide to join ATP Members, we will pay you a recurring commission every month for the duration of their membership. The more people you send in, the more people sign up, and the larger your monthly earnings become.

Earning money with ATP Members
I often dream of traveling Europe in a van. I've enjoyed years of residual income long before ATP Members came along and that income came from selling stock photography, eBooks and other products that I created. However, the bulk of my income at one point came from promoting other people's products.
For example, one product I promoted via All Things Photography in the early days was some superb software designed to add some pzazz to your photos. This took less than a day to set up but was earning around €2-3,000 a month at one point. The only reason that income stopped was because someone else created some very similar software but made it practically free. But not before I had made that company well over $500,000.
When choosing products to promote, think ahead as to how long that business or product will be around for. Don't go for tacky, "here today, gone tomorrow" products or products that promise the world. Hopefully you see the value in ATP Members and decide to help us promote the website.
Using the skills we teach in the WordPress website course, along with some handy tips on this page, imagine the life you could have if you were earning a sizeable income from affiliate marketing. What would you do? Where would you go? This isn't a "pipe dream", thousands of people already enjoy this lifestyle and whilst it isn't easy, the concept is simple! It just takes a little study, research, hard work and perseverance.
Caveat. Don't spam or break the rules. Be cool
However, spurred on by the thought of earning more and more each month, you start telling little white lies to people to encourage them to come inside. You tell them that the membership is free or that they have a one in 10 chance of winning a prize. Perhaps you tell them that if they join, they are guaranteed to earn a full time living anywhere in the world within 2-3 months.
This brings disrepute to ATP Members, people start warning others away and the website suffers. Everyone loses.
You need to be a member to promote ATP and you must be 100% honest and promote us with integrity. In whatever medium you decide to promote us: should highlight what the site has done for you. What things you enjoy the most or get the most out of. Explain how the courses have helped you achieve your goals or at the very least, how they have motivated you to do something different with your life. Please read our Affiliate Terms and Conditions for more information and guidelines.
Once ATP Members moves from the £10 per month membership to £25 per month, that is when you can start promoting us. There is no margin to pay affiliates until that point. However, once you get going, we pay 40% affiliate commission of the £25 membership fee (£10) for each member that you sign up and that is recurring every month for each member introduced.
If your affiliate lead signs up for our annual subscription of £240, you receive £80 (per annum) commission all the time they are a member.
If you are an earlybird member paying £10 per month, sign up one person and your membership is effectively free. Sign up 10 more and you have an income of £100 per month on autopilot. PLUS...
Our affiliate program is dual level, but what does that mean? Become an affiliate manager.
Let's say you sign up Sue to become a member for £25, you are now earning £10 per month from her fee all the time she stays a member.
However, Sue now signs up her friend Mary and is now earning £10 per month herself from Mary's fee. Because you signed up Sue originally, you now get an additional £5 per month from her £25 membership. So by signing up Sue, you are now earning £15 per month. If Sue signs up 10 people, that's an extra £50 per month to you for doing nothing.
If you sign up Sue to become a member for £240 annually, you receive £80 annually as commission. However, if Sue now signs up Mary to become a member for £240 annually, Sue gets £80 annually and you get an additional £20 annually.

Can you see how this can grow? ATP Members is all about giving back to the community. You can apply to become an affiliate manager and enjoy this two tier program after you've been a member for one month.
Please note: Participation in the affiliate program is only active whilst you are a member at ATP Members. This helps to keep the memberships genuine and not just affiliates trying to make money without using and being an active part of the site.
Another caveat!
Your efforts, once again, must be as organic as possible (honest and with integrity) with ZERO spamming. Our terms and conditions state that we reserve the right to remove affiliates from the site and program should any member act in a way that harms ATP Members but obviously this is a last resort and something we hope doesn't happen.
Click here for our resources page where you can download videos, ad copy and more to use for your promotions.
Join the program
Before joining, please tell us a little about yourself and how you will promote ATP Members in the short questionnaire below.